Organize Redux actions

Organize Redux actions

By Guillaume Claret

At OuiCar, we are migrating to the React/Redux stack to develop our web front-end. While these are great libraries, they do not tell you how to shape your code in the large. We present our way to organize the Redux store and actions.


As with the combineReducers() helper, we split our Redux store into a flat list of independent sub-stores. However, our sub-reducers have the following shape:

export default {
  [INIT]: (state = initialState) => state,
  [Search.LOADING_START]: (state, action) => ...,
  [Search.LOADING_SUCCESS]: (state, action) => ...,
  [OTHER]: (state, action) => ...

A sub-reducer is an object whose keys are action types and those values are plain reducers of shape (state, action) => state. This forces us to reason by disjunction over the action type, instead of relying on a more verbose and error-prone switch statement. We also introduce a special OTHER action type to mimick the default case of a switch. Here is the code of our “smart” combiner of reducers:

// Use it in place of combineReducers().
export function smartCombineReducers(stores) {
  // Cache reverse hashmap action => reducers.
  const actionReducers = Object.keys(stores).reduce((result, storeKey) => {
    const actions = stores[storeKey];

    Object.keys(actions).forEach((actionKey) => {
      result[actionKey] = _assign({}, result[actionKey], {
        [storeKey]: actions[actionKey]});

    return result;
  }, {});

  return (state = {}, action) => {
    // Do not mutate the state object.
    const newState = _assign({}, state);
    const reducers = actionReducers[action.type] || {};
    Object.keys(reducers).forEach((key) => {
      newState[key] = reducers[key](state[key], action);

    // Handling of the special action `OTHER`.
    if (ACTION_OTHER in actionReducers) {
      const reducersOnOther = actionReducers[ACTION_OTHER];
      Object.keys(reducersOnOther).forEach((key) => {
        if (!reducers[key]) {
          newState[key] = reducersOnOther[key](newState[key], action);

    return newState;


We attempt to create one type of action per event for each page. An event is for example the result of a user action or a server response. If an action implies the update of many sub-stores, its reducers appear in many sub-stores. Thus, we group our reducers by sub-store rather than by action type.

Because each action is associated to a single event, we can automatically log the trace of all the events occurring in our application by using the redux-logger middleware.


We do not know yet how to organize the asynchronous actions (apart from using redux-thunk), or improve the sharing among reducers for common tasks such as cache handling.

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About OuiCar

OuiCar is a community market place to find and rent cars anywhere in France. But we are not just car renters. We also like to experiment new technologies and share ideas with others.

